Get Insurance in Sweden

Having the right insurance for yourself, your family, and your personal belongings is an important part of getting settled in Sweden. Through our guides and comparisons of popular Swedish insurance companies, you'll find the right insurances in no time.

Illustration of a contract

How Does Insurance in Sweden work?

Insurances. One of the constants in life for most of us, that follows (and usually protects) us wherever we go. Maybe it's not always the most fun thing to set up, but still – it's generally a good thing to have sorted out. Having the right insurances once you arrive in Sweden, and when you're ready to get settled here more permanently, can offer peace of mind against unwanted things that can happen when we least expect them.

The good thing is that there's an insurance for (almost) everything these days, and while some insurances are legally required in Sweden (e.g. car insurance), most insurances in Sweden are not legally required, but still widely used and recommended to have. Home insurance, car insurance and pet insurance are all common in Sweden, and by entering into an insurance agreement with your Swedish insurance company, you commit to paying an annual premium, which is the cost of your coverage. In Sweden, it's common to have the option of paying for your insurance either monthly, quarterly or annually.

On, we're on a mission to help newcomers in Sweden get settled with the basics, and part of that is to get you through what type of insurances you need in Sweden for yourself, your family and your belongings. It's important to mention that we're not an insurance broker or insurance advisor, we simply aim to provide information and guidance about insurance in Sweden, so that you can find, compare, and proceed to sign up for the insurances you may need. Their respective terms and plans outline the price, terms and compensation levels that you're entitled to in different situations. So that you can have the right insurance in place for your unique (or not so unique) lifestyle in Sweden.

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What Insurances Do I Need To Have In Sweden?

Many insurances in Sweden are optional, some are mandatory and others highly recommended. One legally required insurance is car insurance for, so if you intend to own a car in Sweden - don't miss out on that one. Home insurance for mortgage holders is in most cases a requirement from the bank (if you take out a mortgage), your landlord (if you rent) and/or the housing cooperative if you own a "Bostadsrätt". Health insurance is usually covered by the national healthcare system, but additional private health insurance can offer some benefits, especially if you're not covered by the Swedish social insurance. It's also wise to consider pet insurance if you have pets, because veterinary costs tend to be quite high in Sweden. Travel insurance is another quite popular insurance in Sweden, covering your trips and adventures abroad. Other common insurances in Sweden are life insurance, all-risk insurance (an add-on if it's not already included in your home insurance) and unemployment insurance.

Compare Insurances in Sweden

We’ve done some (read: a lot) of the digging regarding insurance in Sweden, to hopefully simplify it a bit for you. Sit back, enjoy some Gifflar, a cup of strong Swedish coffee, and read up on, compare, and pick the right insurance plan for you. You can go through our overview, reviews in English and in-depth comparisons for Home Insurance, Pet Insurance, Travel Insurance and Car Insurance.

Why Choose To Compare Insurances is a free, independently operated information and comparison site aiming to provide newcomers in Sweden with a clearer overview of various insurance plans, companies, and categories. We are not an insurance broker, but we help out by providing useful info in English about insurances, plans and companies in general.

Illustration of comparing contracts

Insurance In Sweden Without A Swedish Personal Identity Number

As a newcomer in Sweden, that d*mn Swedish Personal Number ("personnummer") will probably haunt you for quite some time. You need it for more or less everything in Sweden, and insurance is usually no exception. Most insurance companies in Sweden require you to have either a Swedish Personal Identity Number or a Coordination Number ("Samordningsnummer"), but some insurance companies may offer insurance to foreigners without a Swedish Personal Number, although it typically requires a bit more work. If you don't have a Swedish Personal Number yet, our recommendation is to either wait until it's sorted before you try to sign up for insurance, or to contact the insurance company directly to discuss options. If you need car insurance, you should not wait though, as it's legally required. Most Swedish insurance companies offer support in English, so don't worry if you haven't had time to practice that Swedish just yet. Contact them easily via chat or phone, and you find all the contact details on our company pages listed on the site.

We've also personally contacted various insurance companies in Sweden that might insure you without a Swedish Personal Identity Number or Coordination Number. The answer from most insurance companies is that "it depends on the situation", so our recommendation is again to get in contact with the companies and explain your personal situation.

Our Story

As two Swedes who moved abroad ourselves a few years ago, we discovered that understanding insurance coverage as a newcomer in a new country is no easy task. Once we decided to move back to Sweden, we decided to use our knowledge of living (and thriving) in Sweden and launched, to help newcomers get settled with the essentials needed to fully enjoy this beautiful country.

With years of experience working with subscription management for mobile, broadband, electricity and insurance, we are happy to help you find and compare some of the most popular companies in Sweden. Our goal is to educate you a bit along the way, so that you can make the best informed choice for your specific needs.